Hello Friend – Here‘s My Deep Dive into the 6 Best Solar Installers in Minnesota

I know you‘ve been frustrated by the steadily rising electricity rates from Xcel and other utilities – especially after getting your latest bill showing another 5% spike year-over-year. Like many Minnesota homeowners, you feel powerless watching your costs increase despite your best efforts to improve efficiency around the house. I totally get it!

That‘s why I put together this comprehensive guide examining your options for breaking free of the grid using solar panels. I‘ll provide tons of details and data-driven insights to help inform what I believe could be one of the smartest decisions you ever make for your wallet and the planet. Shall we dive in?

Why Solar Power is Surging in the Land of 10,000 Lakes

According to the latest stats from the Solar Energy Industries Association, Minnesota currently ranks #17 in the U.S. for total solar installations through Q3 2022. With over 122,500 solar systems generating over 1.8 gigawatts of emissions-free power, the state has certainly come a long way!

However, solar still only accounts for about 2-3% of Minnesota‘s total electricity generation based on U.S. Energy Information Administration data. Contrast that with solar leader California which stands at 24% and rising rapidly. So Minnesota still has enormous untapped potential, supported by several key trends:

  • Electricity prices keep increasing: I know you see it on your monthly bills, but statewide data from the EIA confirms it – Minnesota residential electricity rates have risen over 25% in just the last 10 years. And experts forecast utility rates increasing nationally at 3-5% annually for years to come. No relief in sight from business-as-usual!

  • More support for renewable energy: The state has a renewable portfolio standard requiring utilities to obtain 31.5% of electricity from renewable sources by 2030. New legislation also sets a goal for 100% carbon-free electricity statewide by 2040. More solar is key to hitting these targets.

  • Solar costs are decreasing: A 2021 report from the International Renewable Energy Agency noted that solar panel pricing has plummeted 89% in the last decade. So the value proposition keeps getting stronger to make the switch.

Clearly all signs point to a bright future for solar energy in Minnesota thanks to politically and economically friendly tailwinds. Of course making the move still represents a significant investment for any homeowner. So let‘s examine six leading local solar installers I would trust to equip your place with high-quality panels for maximum return.


Hopefully this deep dive has shown solar isn‘t as complex or risky as it may initially appear. And leveraging the expertise of a reputable installer means you can rest easy knowing your system will perform and save money for decades to come! Let me know if you have any other questions I can answer about finally jumping onboard this life-changing investment into your household‘s energy future. I‘m always happy to chat more!

Your friend,
[Your name]

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