Get Pointers on Arrays of Pointers in C

Are you looking to expand your C skills beyond basic data structures like arrays and strings? Have you heard of arrays of pointers before but found them confusing or excessively complex? Well, you‘ve come to the right place my friend!

Arrays of pointers are extremely useful to create flexible, reusable code in C – but let‘s be honest, they can make your head spin at first. Mastering them takes time even for experienced developers.

Luckily, by the end of this guide you‘ll have a firm grasp on arrays of pointers in C. I‘ll walk you through everything one step at a time:

  • What exactly are arrays of pointers and why use them?
  • Properly declaring array of pointer variables
  • Techniques to allocate that ever-important memory
  • How to access data through all those pointer * and array [ ] operators!
  • Cool applications like dynamic strings, polymorphic sorting, and more
  • Common issues to avoid like memory leaks and type safety

So grab a refreshing beverage, buckle up, and let‘s get pointing those arrays!

Why Use Arrays of Pointers?

Let‘s quickly recap pointers and arrays first so we‘re on the same page.

A pointer is a variable that stores a memory address, allowing you to indirectly access values stored in that address:

int my_int = 10; 
int* ptr = &my_int; // ptr stores address of my_int 

Arrays are ordered data structures for storing multiple values of the same type contiguously:

int my_array[5]; // Array of 5 ints

An array of pointers then combines these concepts:

type* array_name[array_size]; 

It‘s an array, but instead of just values, each element stores a pointer!

This unlocks new potential like:

  • Dynamic memory allocation
  • Building linked data structures
  • Polymorphic reusable code
  • Sorting data based on custom rules
  • Storing references to complex objects without copying

Let‘s look at how to tap into that power.

Declaring Arrays of Pointers

Declaring an array of pointers uses this syntax:

type* array_name[array_size];

For example:

int* pointers[10]; // Array of 10 int pointers
char* texts[5]; // Array of 5 char pointers  
void** objects[15]; // Array of 15 void pointers

I know it looks a bit funny at first – we rarely see two sets of brackets side-by-side in code. Remember we have the pointers themselves stored in the array, not the actual ints or chars yet.

Now let‘s look at getting that memory allocated so we can use this array of pointers for more than just sitting there!

Allocating Memory for Maximum Flexibility

Before an array of pointers becomes truly useful, we need to point those internal pointers somewhere in memory using malloc:

Here‘s an example workflow:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {

  // Declare array of pointers  
  int** arr_ptr = malloc(10 * sizeof(int*));

  // Check for allocation failure
  if(arr_ptr == NULL){
     printf("Error! No memory.");
     return 1;

  // Allocate memory for each pointer
  for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){

     // Dynamically allocate memory for an integer
     *(arr_ptr + i) = malloc(sizeof(int));

     // Check
     if(arr_ptr[i] == NULL){
        printf("Failed to allocate memory for element %d", i); 
        return 1;

  // Access array elements

  // Don‘t forget to free allocated memory! 
  for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){

  return 0;

While it may seem involved, this gives us the most flexibility:

  • Arrays of pointers act as containers for data pointers
  • We can dynamically grow arrays
  • The pointers can point to any data types
  • No need to predict memory usage ahead of time!

For quick tests, you may also simply assign pointers to existing variables:

int x = 5, y = 10;
int* pointers[2] = {&x, &y}; 

But dynamic allocation is best for robust code.

Accessing The Chewy Pointer Center

Now that our array of pointers has allocated memory, let‘s see how to access values:

int x = 5, y = 10;

int* pointers[2]; 
pointers[0] = &x; 
pointers[1] = &y;

// Get value stored where pointers[0] points 
int x_val = *(pointers[0]);

The key thing to note here is that we use:

  1. Array indexing (pointers[0]) to access a particular pointer
  2. Deference that pointer using *(pointers[0]) to grab the value

This two step combo of array indexing and pointer dereferencing gives us access to indirectly stored data.

Let‘s see some more complex examples of what arrays of pointers enable!

Level Up Your C Skills with Arrays of Pointers

Once you grasp the basics of declaring, allocating, and accessing array of pointers, an entire world of possibilities opens up. Let me show you some awesome things they unlock:

1. Dynamic Strings

Ever struggled to store strings without fixed buffer sizes? Arrays of char pointers make dynamically sized strings a breeze:

char* texts[100]; 

texts[0] = "These";
texts[1] = "pointers"; 
texts[2] = "can point";
texts[3] = "to string literals!";

// Print as strings
printf("%s %s %s %s", texts[0], texts[1], texts[2], texts[3]); 

No copying required – just make the pointers point to string literals or use malloc for writable string memory!

2. Generic Sorting Functions

The void pointer is a special type that can point to anything. This means arrays of void pointers enable sorting any data types using custom rules!

struct Person {
  char name[50];
  int age;

// Compare two Person pointers 
int comparePerson(void* a, void* b){

  // Safely cast void pointers 
  struct Person* p1 = (struct Person*)a;
  struct Person* p2 = (struct Person*)b;

  // Compare names 
  return strcmp(p1->name, p2->name);


// Generic sort
void sort(void** items, int count, CompareFunc cmp){

  // Sort items using compare function

int main() {

  // Create array of Person pointers
  struct Person* people[10]; 

  // Populate array

  // Sort by name!
  sort(people, 10, comparePerson);


Thanks to those void pointers, we can reuse sort() to order any data types!

3. Linked Data Structures

Data structures like trees and linked lists connect nodes through pointers. An array of pointers provides easy access to various lists:

struct Node{
   int data;
   Node* next; 

Node* list1 = NULL; 
Node* list2 = NULL;

// Build lists

Node* lists[2] = {list1, list2}; 

Now getting our linked lists is as simple as accessing lists[0] and lists[1]. Nice!

I‘m sure you‘re starting to see even more possibilities open up. But beware…more power comes with more responsibility!

Exercising Caution to Avoid Pitfalls

While arrays of pointers enable a lot of cool things in C, they can also get pretty messy:

  • Memory leaks – Have to manually track malloc and free
  • Type safety issues – Easy to assign wrong pointer types unintentionally
  • Tricky multidimensional pointers – Can be hard to debug

Here are some tips to avoid headaches:

  • Use malloc and free properly to allocate and release memory
  • Make helper functions that encapsulate messier parts of implementation
  • Include pointer types in function declarations when possible
  • Validate pointer types before accessing data
  • Comment extensively for future maintainers!
ArraysvsArrays of Pointers
Fixed sizeFlexibilityDynamic sizing
Less codeComplexityMore pointers to manage
Type safetyRiskCasting mistakes
indexing [i]AccessIndexing and dereferencing

And there you have it – arrays vs arrays of pointers compared. As we can see, it‘s a classic tradeoff between flexibility and complexity. But don‘t let that scare you off if you need the capabilities!

Let‘s Recap C Pointers

After all that, let‘s recap what we learned:

  • Arrays of pointers combine arrays and pointer concepts in C
  • They allow great dynamic memory allocation and data structure building flexibility
  • We declare pointer arrays similar to normal arrays
  • Allocate memory using malloc for robust code
  • Access values using array indexing and pointer dereferencing
  • Enables cool stuff like polymorphism, custom data sorting, dynamic strings, and linked data structures!
  • Watch out for potential memory leaks and type safety issues

I hope breaking it down step-by-step in this guide helped demystify arrays of pointers in C for you. Now you‘re ready to grab that extra power for your projects!

Let me know if you have any other questions. And happy pointing those arrays!

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