The 6 Longest Distance Nerfs Ever Made: A History of Extreme Game Changes

For experienced gamers, few things are more frustrating than loading up your favorite game only to find a major nerf has severely hampered your top abilities and playing style overnight.

Nerfs, defined broadly as reductions or downgrades to weapons, characters, or other game elements, have been controversial yet commonplace throughout gaming history. When done right, they balance overpowered abilities and lead to better overall gameplay. When done hastily or excessively, they provoke outrage from devastated player bases.

While most nerfs tweak things moderately, every so often a seismic, unprecedented nerf will fundamentally transform a game and community. Let‘s revisit six of the longest distance nerfs ever made and explore why they came about and the aftershocks that followed.

What Actually Constitutes a Nerf?

Before diving in, let‘s level-set on what makes for a genuine nerf versus routine game changes. Broadly speaking, nerfs relate to downgrading weapons, characters, items, or general gameplay elements that players have come to rely on. The key triggers are:

  • Power Reduction: The ability, weapon, or element is made significantly weaker, reducing effectiveness
  • Distance Reduction: The range, blast radius, or reach of an attack is shortened considerably
  • Availability Changes: Access to the overpowered element is now far more limited or conditional
  • Counter Buffs: Something intended to provide defense against the overpowered element gets enhanced

Without further ado, let‘s revisit six earth-shattering nerfs that transformed their respective games forever.

#6: Phlogistinator in Team Fortress 2 (2012)

Team Fortress 2 is iconic in gaming for its diverse and comical lineup of characters, weapons, and playing styles catering to all preferences. So when Valve eventually nerfed one of its most popular Pyro flamethrowers in a major way, the community reacted accordingly.

The Phlogistinator enables Pyros to accumulate all-critical hits through a "MMPH" meter filled by doing damage. In its initial incarnation, this flamethrower had no airblast capability but granted eight seconds of crits once fully charged. For ferocious Pyro mains, wiping out enemies in close range with the crit buff was intoxicating.

That ended in the June 23, 2012 patch, with Valve removing the restore health ability on top of the existing lack of airblast. Now Pyros lost sustain along with any defenses when deploying their mighty crits, vastly reducing viability. The passionate outcry from the player base matched the scale of this seismic nerf.

This remains one of Team Fortress 2‘s most controversial and disliked rebalances. It fundamentally altered the risk-reward dynamic for the Phlogistinator by making its crit buffs far more perilous to deploy. It alienated droves of formerly fearsome Pyro mains.

#5: Inferno Spell in Clash Royale (2018)

As one of mobile gaming‘s most popular real-time battle titles, Clash Royale always kept the community on edge about potential nerfs shifting delicate card balance.

Of all these changes over the years, none rattled cages more than the massive Inferno Tower nerf in June 2018. At that time, the Inferno Tower spell was the undisputed best defensive structure for annihilating giants, golems, and more with its intense ramping damage.

Supercell obliterated the card‘s health points by a whopping 35%, drastically cutting survivability against spells and swarms. Simultaneously, they slowed damage ramp-up, weakening tank melting potential. Fragile yet deadly Inferno Towers suddenly became just fragile.

This nerf single-handedly killed predominant spell bait and turtling strategies overnight. With other nerfed defensive cards like Tesla and Bomb Tower offering better alternatives, Inferno Tower adoption rates plummeted from 24% to 5% almost immediately per RoyaleAPI stats.

For those clinging to their formerly impenetrable Inferno Towers, it signaled the end of an era and necessary strategic reinvention.

#4: Bone Spear in Diablo 3 (2012)

Blizzard‘s premier action RPG Diablo 3 underwent copious growing pains in its early days. Many overpowered abilities got repeatedly nerfed, but none quite like the Necromancer‘s iconic Bone Spear.

In its glory days, Bone Spear dominated as the highest damage single-target charge-up spell. It dished out obscene damage numbers tailor-made for boss fights.

The v1.0.3 patch on June 19, 2012 savaged its range by a staggering 40 yards (down to 40 from 80) while barely boosting its damage and mana costs. Just like that, necromancers lost their hallmark sniping power only to get a minor damage concession.

Former alpha strike specialists suddenly had to fight at closer ranges they were ill-equipped to handle. This forever altered the Necromancer‘s risk-reward ratio and identity in Diablo 3.

#3: Azir‘s Range in League of Legends (2015)

The LoL champion pool contains no shortage of overtuned mages, marksmen, and fighters needing sizeable nerfs to give others room to thrive.

But prominent LoL stats site Best LoL Champion described Azir‘s season 5 range nerf as "the biggest League of Legends nerf ever" for good reason. The Emperor of the Sands once reigned supreme, bullying lane opponents with long-range soldiers and wiping out teams from impossible distances in sieges and battles.

His basic attack range exceeded every other marksman. His soldiers had 400 attack range themselves. Azir would effortlessly shred towers and dominate fights from ridiculous safety.

Riot Games took away 125 basic attack range and 150 soldier range in patch 5.14, neutering Azir‘s core harassment and reach advantages. Just like that his oppressive risk-free poke disappeared. While compensated elsewhere, Azir lost unmatched space control and ranged dominance hobbling competitive potential.

For those reliant on bullying from long distance, this sudden vulnerability fundamentally changed the champion.

#2: Global Range Ultimate in Paragon (2017)

Epic Games‘ ill-fated MOBA Paragon always struggled with balance and satisfying character kits pre-shutdown.

Of all the turbulent reworks, none generated more whiplash than feisty Fey and her global ultimate deleting heroes anywhere on the map. As commenters noted on R/Paragon, this feeling of suddenly dying to unavoidable damage felt awful.

While required aiming skill, Fey‘s incredible reach with Harvest Nettles lead to Pentakills. Her overwhelming ganking and turnaround potential from spawn proved too dominant even for MOBA standards.

The March 16, 2017 v.38.3 patch erasing the ultimate‘s global range with a simple "Removed global targeting from final upgrade" generated severe fan backlash. Beyond killing secure global kills, Fey lost exceptional map presence and reliable wave clear potential, disappearing from competitive play per

For Fey mains accustomed to global domination, this sudden range downgrade neutered rewarding outplay potential.

#1: Star Wars Galaxies Jedi (2003)

No video game nerf inflicted long-lasting pain quite like Star Wars Galaxies and its complete dismantling of its rarest and most coveted class: the Jedi.

SWG released as an open-ended sandbox MMO, with Jedi unlocked via holocrons containing force sensitive skills. Acquiring just 1 in 10,000 holocrons granted enough powers to unlock the Jedi class after lengthy grinding – hence the extreme rarity.

Pre-nerf, mastering the uniquely challenging profession provided god-like powers in fighting, healing, crafting bonuses and more that simply overwhelmed others. TheirVanilla Jedi dominated battlegrounds with ease while far outpacing others in grinding too.

The Combat Upgrade patch of April 2005 changed everything by making Jedis selectable instantly like any basic class, erasing exclusivity. Meanwhile, forcing grinding all skills from scratch weakened established Jedis considerably.

New Jedis rose rapidly with simplified leveling while former elites got severely knocked back towards parity. Meanwhile, alienated players who endured the intense original path to Jedi mastery quit Galaxies in droves in protest over this bait-and-switch devaluing all their hardcore work unlocks ultimate power overnight.

For pre-nerf Jedis used to special status treatment and dominating lesser players with ease, this knockdown to mortal levels again changed everything.

Key Takeaways from Iconic Nerfs

While outraged players always push back against nerfs edging them away from hard-earned peak power, reasonable ability downgrades counter ongoing power creep and promote healthier competition.

Still, these six examples showcase how nerfs directly targeting the highest skill caps and most rewarding mastery hurts dedicated player bases the most. Implementing replacements that enable similar outplay potential helps smooth necessary transitions.

Meanwhile, savvy developers avoid heavy-handed nerfs by performing multiple smaller tweaks over time rather than enormous changes shocking player systems all at once.

With multiplayer hits like Overwatch 2 and God of War Ragnarok arriving soon packing beloved abilities prone to future rebalancing, players anxiously await seeing what new longest distance nerfs could emerge next.

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