How to Schedule an Email in Outlook – A Complete Walkthrough for You

Sending emails whenever the mood strikes can hurt productivity. Respecting recipients’ time zones takes effort. And landing emails in overcrowded inboxes rarely gets results. Scheduling messages strategically is the answer.

In this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn how to easily schedule emails within Outlook down to the exact date and time.

I’ll walk you through the entire process step-by-step, share expert insights, plus give you pro tips for email productivity along the way.

Trust me, sending scheduled emails will be a complete gamechanger once you master it!

Why Should You Schedule Outlook Emails?

Before we dive into the step-by-step instructions, let me share a few key reasons why scheduling emails is so valuable:

Save Time and Reduce Distractions

Composing emails when you’re “in the zone” on important projects diverts focus. According to RescueTime, every time you switch tasks – like answering emails – it takes an average of 23 minutes to fully refocus.

Scheduling message delivery frees up more time for deep work. Just write emails when it’s convenient for you and let Outlook handle the send times.

Strategically Time Delivery for 34% Higher Open Rates

Ever notice colleagues take longer to reply to Friday afternoon emails compared to Tuesday mornings?

Emails sent between 8-10 AM result in 50% higher open rates versus those sent after work hours, according to HubSpot. After analyzing over 25 million email opens, they also found:

  • Tuesday at 9 AM had a 34% higher open rate than Friday at 3 PM

Aim for Tuesday-Thursday mornings to boost email visibility and response rates. Outlook’s scheduling makes this strategic timing effortless.

Respect Recipients’ Time Zones

We’ve all been there. It’s 6 PM where you are, so you fire off a few emails. But for recipients in PST, it’s only 3 PM and still business hours. Now they feel obligated to reply after typical work times.

Scheduling delivery in Outlook allows you to easily time messages for convenient times across time zones. No more annoying colleagues by emailing late on a Friday!

Step-by-Step: How to Schedule Emails in Outlook

Ready to master the art of strategic email productivity? Let me show you how simple it is to schedule Outlook emails in just 7 steps:

Step 1: Log Into Your Outlook Account

Start by logging into your Outlook email through whichever platform you prefer – browser, Windows app, or mobile:

Outlook login screenshot

Pro Tip: Make sure to use an updated browser for the best Outlook performance. According to Microsoft 365 experts, Chrome or the new Edge give you the latest features compared to older options.

Once logged in, you’ll reach your Outlook inbox dashboard. This is your command center to manage scheduled emails and replies.

Now onto crafting the email!

Step 2: Compose Your Message

Click on the “New message” button or hit Ctrl/Command + N to start a blank email.

Populate all the necessary fields – recipient(s), subject line, body content – with the details you want:

Composing an email in Outlook screenshot

Pro Tip: Want to know the optimal subject line length? HubSpot discovered subject lines between 29-51 characters drove the most opens, with 47 characters being the sweet spot.

Spend time crafting a clear, compelling message because once scheduled, you cannot edit an email’s content.

When you’re finished, proceed to scheduling the delivery.

Step 3: Click the Send Arrow

Here comes the scheduling magic!

Instead of clicking the standard Send button, click the down arrow next to it:

Send button arrow in Outlook

A drop-down menu will appear with a few options.

Step 4: Select “Schedule Send”

In that menu, choose “Schedule send” to pick when the email gets delivered based on date and time:

Schedule send option in Outlook

Pro Tip from the Pros: Amy Porterfield, email marketing expert, revealed that emails sent during the workweek get opened about 113% more frequently than weekend blasts. Schedule Outlook messages accordingly.

Step 5: Choose the Delivery Time

After selecting “Schedule send,” a pop-up will suggest two predetermined send times:

Choosing a time to schedule email

If one of those times works for you – great! But for precise timing…

Step 6: Set a Custom Date and Time

For the most control, choose “Custom time” to pick an exact delivery date and time down to the minute:

Custom date and time for scheduled email

Pro Tip: According to HubSpot research, Friday at 10 AM has one of the highest click rates compared to other days. But open rates drop in the afternoon.

Once the calendar date and clock time are set, finalizing your email scheduling process.

Step 7: Confirm the Scheduled Send

Before exiting, triple check all aspects of your scheduled email.

Does the send time work? Any errors in the content itself? All recipients showing properly?

Confirm scheduled send

With everything looking good, finish by hitting send! I recommend noting your scheduled time for a reminder.

Then check back after the deliver time to ensure smooth sending from Outlook. Now your work is hands-off until go time!

Here‘s a quick summary of what we just covered:

1Log into your Outlook mail
2Compose your email
3Click the Send arrow
4Choose "Schedule Send"
5Pick a delivery time
6Set custom time/date (optional)
7Confirm details

Pro Tips: Email Productivity & Outlook Scheduling

Now that you’ve learned how to schedule Outlook emails to perfection, here are some bonus pro tips:

Send to Multiple People

No need to schedule separate emails! Just comma separate addresses in the To/CC/BCC fields.

Set Importance Level

Flag emails as High, Normal, or Low priority so recipients better understand urgency.

Limit Large Attachments

Outlook scheduled emails have a 20MB file size cap. For larger docs, try sharing OneDrive links instead.

Recall Already Scheduled Emails

Made a mistake? Quickly recall unopened scheduled emails to contacts in the same organization.

Still Have Questions About Outlook Email Scheduling?

I know that was a detailed walkthrough, so you might still have some questions:

Can I send scheduled emails to multiple recipients?

Absolutely! Just separate each email address with a comma in the To, CC, or BCC fields when composing your message.

What do the priority levels mean?

Setting an email as High, Normal, or Low priority gives recipients a visual cue on the message‘s urgency when they first see it.

Is there a size limit on attachments?

Scheduled emails in Outlook have a maximum 20MB file size cap for attachments, including combined totals if adding multiple docs.

Can I recall an email I already scheduled?

Yes, if the recipient is in the same organization and has not opened your message yet, you can recall emails scheduled to send in the future.

Still have an outstanding question? Feel free to reach out. Happy scheduling!

I hope this clear, comprehensive guide served you well in mastering how to strategically schedule emails within Outlook. Email me anytime with follow-up questions!

Now put these tips into action to take back hours lost on inefficient emailing. You’ll be surprised how productive this tactic becomes day-to-day. Bonus points for no more annoying people by emailing late on Fridays accidentally!

Have a great rest of your day, and may your Outlook scheduling bring all the success and productivity gains you were seeking. Talk soon!

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