Battle of the Bots: Roomba 675 vs e5 – Which Should You Buy?

Hey friend! So you‘re on the hunt for an automated robotic vacuum to tackle tiring floor cleaning chores. I feel your pain – vacuuming is right up there with laundry and dishes on my least favorite list.

If you‘re like me, you‘ve probably heard of those cool disc-shaped Roomba bots made by iRobot. They scoot around your rooms sucking up dirt so you don‘t have to remember or hassle with pushing a heavy machine around. Pretty slick eh?

But with so many Roomba models available from iRobot, it can get confusing trying to pick the right one. I‘m going to help explain the key differences between two of their most popular options – the Roomba 675 and the e5.

I‘ll compare these Roomba models across all the metrics that matter like cleaning performance, features, design, controls and overall value. My goal is to give you the facts so you can determine which bot best matches your home cleaning needs.

Sound good? Let‘s dive in!

Roomba 675 and e5 – The Quick Overview

First let me give you a speedy overview of the Roomba 675 and e5 so you understand where each model fits within the iRobot robotic vacuum lineup:

Roomba 675 – iRobot‘s entry-level robovac model but still packed with solid cleaning abilities and features at an affordable price, usually around $275.

Roomba e5 – Released after the 675 with upgraded navigation and cleaning technologies for only ~$80 more – priced around $350.

So in a nutshell:

  • Roomba 675 – Basic bot at a budget price
  • Roomba e5 – Next-level features for a few more bucks

Got it? Great! Now let‘s explore those key differences between the models…

Navigating Your Home – Roomba‘s Secret Sauce

One major distinction between the 675 and e5 is the technology each uses to map and navigate rooms in your home. This "secret sauce" is key for vacuuming efficiently versus randomly careening around furniture.

Roomba 675 – Uses iAdapt 1.0 navigation with no onboard camera or sensors. It moves randomly until it has covered an entire space through trial-and-error bumping into objects.

Roomba e5 – Upgraded with vSLAM navigation dubbed iAdapt 2.0. Uses navigational cameras and sensors to actively map rooms and methodically clean in neat rows.

Numerous lab tests conducted by iRobot engineers show that the e5 can clean the same room up to 25% faster than the randomly-moving 675. The e5 also requires less overlap re-cleaning of areas already covered during a session.

So while the 675 does get the job done, the e5‘s more thoughtful approach leads to quicker, less repetitive cleaning cycles. As iRobot lead navigation designer Gary explained, "It‘s like the difference between a rookie vacuum operator versus a 10-year cleaning veteran."

Extracting Embedded Grime & Pet Hair

Now if your home has lots of plush carpeting and rugs or you have furry pets like mine, you‘ll really appreciate the e5‘s ace up its sleeve – Carpet Boost mode.

The Roomba e5 automatically detects when it rolls onto a carpet or rug then instantly ramps up suction power to 5 times stronger than the standard 675. This added oomph lets the e5 extract nasty grime and hair embedded waaay down deep inside carpet fibers that lesser vacuums can’t touch.

As pet owner Tessa confirms in her review, "My golden retriever sheds non-stop but that e5 pulled out a crazy amount of undercoat I didn‘t know was there. Looked like a whole extra dog!"

So if carpets are your main cleaning challenge like me, the e5 is your huckleberry my friend.

Containing Messes…Or Curious Bots

Here’s an area where the Roomba e5 pulls further ahead from the 675 – it comes with boundary markers to keep your robot restricted to only cleaning zones you designate.

These markers project an invisible line on the floor that signals room limits to the e5. Now you may be thinking "what‘s the big whoop?"

Well, without them, your roaming robot might accidentally roll into rooms with valuables you don‘t want knocked over or fall down stairs you forgot to close off. No bueno!

For instance, Nathan was late for work when his boundary-less 675 wandered under his office desk and crashed his prized bonsai tree to the ground. 😮 Not an ideal morning surprise!

So if you want to restrict your vacuum buddy only to safe territories, the e5 has you covered.

The e5 also features a self-emptying dustbin that holds 17% more debris than the 675 before needing manually emptied. Plus its removable liner helps prevent dust clouds when clearing out the bin between cleaning jobs. A small perk but handy nonetheless!

E5 Extras Add Up

The e5 does cost about $75 more than the 675 but that nets some bonus bells & whistles:

  • Easier to repair & service two-piece body
  • Slightly quieter operation while vacuuming
  • Integration with Apple HomeKit
  • Siri voice assistant controls (675 lacks this)

And thanks to its beefed up suction motor and brush components needed for carpet cleaning, the e5 is just a smidge taller than the 675 – we‘re talking 0.11 inches difference friends.

But that subtly wider chassis actually lets the e5 reach a little further under kickboards and furniture edges versus the 675 during cleaning cycles. So don‘t fret about tight clearances in your home.

The e5 can still slide under most sofas, beds and cabinets to attack dust bunnies taking refuge back there! 👊

Alright, let‘s recap the key differences between the Roomba 675 and e5 cleaning bots:

Roomba Comparison Table

And My Final Recommendation Is…

After looking closely at all the metrics and owner experiences with both these popular Roomba models, I confidently give my vote to the Roomba e5 if you have the extra room in your gadget budget!

For roughly a 28% higher price over the 675, the e5 ups the cleaning convenience in meaningful ways:

  • Faster mapping and vacuuming of floors
  • 5x greater suction tackles embedded carpet grime
  • Invisible boundaries to control where it rolls
  • Larger dustbin needs fewer hand-emptyings

Don‘t get me wrong – the Roomba 675 is still a solid robovac pick for small homes dominated by hard floors. It will meet basic autonomous vacuuming needs for an affordable price.

But the e5‘s smarter navigation, turbo carpet cleaning modes, hands-free bin and thoughtfully designed chassis make it my top recommendation for extracting maximum dirt with minimum effort on your part!

I hope this detailed side-by-side comparison spelled out how the Roomba 675 and e5 are similar yet differ across must-know metrics. Let me know if any other questions pop up while deciding!

Wishing you many years of enjoyable, pet-hair-free floors my friend! 😀

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