How to See Your Subscribers on YouTube, Step by Step With Photos

Getting subscribers on YouTube is a milestone every creator aims for. As those subscribers start trickling in, you‘ll likely be eager to monitor your growth and engagement.

Beyond feeling that sense of accomplishment, keeping tabs on your YouTube subscribers serves a practical purpose too. Gaining 1,000 loyal fans unlocks the coveted YouTube Partner Program, allowing you to monetize your passion through ads, Super Chats, channel memberships and more.

So let‘s explore how to view that magical subscriber number that directly impacts your creative career! This visual guide details the quick and easy process across desktop and mobile step-by-step.

Step 1: Access YouTube Studio

First, ensure you‘re logged into the Google account associated with your YouTube channel. Click your profile icon in the top right and select YouTube Studio from the dropdown menu.

YouTube Studio Access

This launches the creator-focused YouTube Studio dashboard with all your key channel performance metrics.

Step 2: Navigate to Analytics

Next, click Analytics in the left sidebar. This houses more in-depth statistics like real-time subscriber counts.

YouTube Studio Analytics

The Overview is perfect for subscriber data, while other tabs like Revenue track your earnings.

Step 3: Check Subscriber Totals

In Analytics Overview, your lifetime subscriber total appears prominently at the top. Monitor how this grows daily, weekly or monthly!

YouTube Subscriber Count

Additional metrics show 48 hour deltas and averages to reveal subscriber velocity and consistency.

Step 4: Customize Date Ranges

For deeper insight, click the date selector in the top right. Choose custom 7, 28 or 90 day periods to analyze subscriber surges around viral videos or influencer promotions.

YouTube Custom Date Ranges

Assess post-performance and experiment with different content types and release cadences to spur subscribers.

Extra Tips for Gaining Loyal Followers

Beyond checking Studio Analytics routinely, here are quick suggestions to ensure your YouTube channel growth:

  • Engage fans in comments and community posts
  • Run giveaways and contests to incentivize subscriptions
  • Collaborate with influencers in your niche to access new audiences
  • Analyze subscriber adds around viral video launches
  • Feature a strong value proposition and calls to action to subscribe

The more love you show your viewers, the more your fanbase will grow. Monitor your efforts in Creator Studio for the best results!

Let Your Channel Take Off

I hope this quickvisual walkthrough helped demystify how to view your subscribers on YouTube Studio Analytics! Monitor your progress daily as you continue engaging your community with awesome content.

It may start slowly, but remain consistent and let your production quality and relationship building shine through. Before you know it, you‘ll be celebrating 1,000 subscribers and YouTube monetization!

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