Making Sense of Saving TikTok Drafts: A Conversational Guide

TikTok‘s explosive popularity stems largely from its incredibly fun and creative video editing tools. Who else lets you splice multiple video clips set to music while overlaying augmented reality effects…all inside a mobile app?!

But such robust creative capabilities also come with their own headaches. Namely: TikTok offers no native option to save draft videos to your camera roll or cloud storage.

So if you accidentally delete the TikTok app or wipe your phone? 💨 There go all those draft ideas and editing efforts!

I get how frustrating this sounds. As a longtime TikTok fan myself, I‘ve lost some great draft gems due to this limitation. And you’d assume Short-Form Video Saving 101 would let you backup unfinished edits!

But once I researched the reasons why TikTok lacks this feature plus found a proven solution, things made more sense.

In this guide, we’ll unlock the secrets of properly saving TikTok drafts, step-by-step:

  • How TikTok’s drafts actually work (and why they’re restricted)
  • Simple workaround to store drafts on your camera roll
  • Re-uploading drafts to pick up editing right where you left off

Let’s dig in! I’ll walk through everything hand-in-hand.

Why TikTok Doesn‘t Let You Save Drafts—Explained

I used to find it so annoying…

You spend all this time carefully slicing clips and sampling music into an awesome TikTok draft.

Then you want to grab food but promise yourself you’ll finish editing later.

But unlike Twitter or Reddit, TikTok lacks any kind of cloud storing draft posts in progress.

So you fully expect to find that brilliant draft waiting for you when you return to the app later, right?

Wrong! 😵

Instead your draft just disappears into thin air without warning. So frustrating!

But here’s the key facts on what’s actually happening:

Drafts Save Temporarily to Local Device Storage

When you hit save draft, rather than storing a copy remotely, it simply writes the unfinished video file into a temporary location on your device itself.

That‘s why you can only access drafts from that same gadget.

Why No Native Saving for These Device-Only Files?

Good question!

Table A helps explain the key differences in video draft handling across some top platforms:

PlatformDraft Storage LocationCan Directly Save Drafts?
FacebookCloud serversYes
TwitterCloud serversYes
TikTokLocal device onlyNo native option

Since other platforms store drafts remotely on company servers, they easily allow saving copies straight to your camera roll too.

But TikTok‘s drafts never get sync‘d outside each unique device. So there‘s no pathway for the app itself to let you export those temporary files somewhere else!

Side note: This reliance on device-only storage does allow for some unique creative benefits. Namely, it enables complex graphics/editing capabilities that would get bogged down trying to constantly sync draft saves online rather than locally.

So in essence:

  • Cloud-saved drafts = easy exports
  • Device-only drafts = editing power

Hopefully that helps explain what exactly happens behind the scenes when you hit "Save Draft" inside TikTok!

Now then, on to solving this restriction with…

My Proven Solution: Exporting + Re-Importing

So we just discovered TikTok‘s app limitations prevent officially saving drafts straight from the source.

But that doesn‘t mean we‘re out of luck!

Instead, I‘ll walk you through my fool-proof 2-step workaround to properly backup drafts yourself:

Step 1: Publish Draft Privately First

This sneaky trick turns your unfinished draft into a standard (but still private) TikTok video file:

  1. Inside your Drafts folder, tap the one you want to save
  2. Hit Next to enter publish flow
  3. Change viewer setting to "Only Me"
  4. Confirm Publish (draft now privately posted on your profile)

Gif demonstrating publishing tiktok draft privately

Pro Tip: iOS users can disable Downloads access in Privacy Settings to auto-save all videos into camera roll rather than needing to manually save each time.

So essentially we’re tricking TikTok into standardizing the draft file into a normal video type the app easily permits exporting!

Step 2: Download Then Re-upload

Now just 3 quick steps to save and reaccess that published draft later:

  1. Save Video from 3-dot menu
  2. Upload the downloaded file when starting a new draft
  3. Resume editing! Trim/rearrange clips, add effects, etc

Gif demonstrating reuploading draft tiktoks

And voila! Just like that you securely stored an unfinished draft idea AND can pick up right where you left off editing later on.

Android friends: Unfortunately manually saving/re-uploading is the only option for now unless TikTok adds auto-saving for your device too.

Questions From You

  • Could I stitch multiple old videos together into one draft meme?

Absolutely! When re-importing, tap "Select multiple" to add old clips into the mix for splicing together draft remixes.

  • What if I want to delete some stale drafts?

No problem! Open your Drafts folder and press + hold unwanted ones then hit Delete. This removes them fully from your device.

  • Any issues uploading drafts again on someone else‘s phone?

Sadly yes 😕 Re-uploaded videos retain their device-first restrictions. But! Now that you know how to securely export/save drafts yourself, no need to stress losing gems in progress even when only having access to another device.


Hopefully this full walkthrough gives you confidence for easily backing up your next viral TikTok draft sans frustration!

Let me know if any other questions pop up. Happy to help troubleshoot so your creative magic gets saved rather than lost accidentally.

Onward to drafting your next hit 🎬

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