Demystifying Zoom‘s Co-Host Feature: An Expert-Approved Step-by-Step Guide with Visuals

Zoom has rapidly become a household name—chances are, you have attended a meeting, webinar, or virtual hangout using their industry-leading platform.

As per BusinessWire, over 300 million people now use Zoom daily in 2022. And when over 20+ friends, family, or colleagues assemble in a single meeting, it helps to have an extra pair of hands on deck to manage the technology and participants seamlessly.

This is where Zoom‘s co-host feature comes in really handy!

According to Lifewire‘s expert tech analysts, having meeting co-hosts empowers you to share admin privileges like screen sharing, removing attendees, and starting/stopping recording. As the host, you maintain overall ownership.

Let‘s explore exactly how to tap into the power of adding Zoom co-hosts with this definitive step-by-step guide. We‘ll cover:

  • Prerequisites for using co-hosts
  • Walkthrough of adding a co-host
  • Confirming and revoking privileges
  • Visual references, tips, and expert insights
  • FAQs on advanced Zoom co-host use cases

So you can relax and have co-hosts handle meeting operations on your behalf!

Why Appoint Zoom Co-Hosts?

Before we dive into the step-by-step guide, let‘s briefly discuss common scenarios where utilizing co-hosts really pays dividends.

    <th>Use Case</th>
    <th>Benefit of Co-Hosts</th> 
    <td>Webinars & Workshops</td>
    <td>Co-present content, manage Q&A</td>
    <td>Training Sessions </td>
    <td>Assist new hires with exercises </td>
    <td>Hybrid Events</td>
    <td>Manage virtual attendees questions</td>
    <td>Company Meetings </td> 
    <td>IT support for screen shares </td>

Table 1: Common scenarios where meeting co-hosts provide value

As you can see, handing off admin rights helps optimize engagement and minimize disruptions in medium-to-large meetings.

Now let‘s get you set up with adding co-hosts!

Prerequisites for Enabling Zoom Co-Hosts

Before being able to add a co-host to your meetings, verify the following:

You Must be the Meeting Host

Only the original host who scheduled or started an instant meeting can enable co-host functionality.

Upgrade to a Paid Zoom Plan

    <th>Zoom Plan</th>
    <th>Co-host Support?</th>
    <td>❌ Not available</td>
    <td>Pro ($149/year) </td>
    <td>✅ Available</td>
    <td>✅ Available </td> 
    <td>✅ Available</td>

Table 2: Only paid Zoom plans enable co-host capabilities

As you can see above, Zoom‘s free basic plan does not support designating co-hosts.

You‘ll need to upgrade to their Pro plan starting at $149 per year. Consider going annual if you frequently host large sessions to save 16% compared to monthly billing.

Enable Co-Host Setting in Your Zoom Account

Even with a paid account, the co-host setting needs to be manually enabled before you can start assigning the role during meetings.

Let‘s tackle that next.

Step 1: Turn on Co-Host Capability in Zoom

As the account owner, you‘ll need to flip on the co-host switch in your Zoom settings:

  1. Sign into Zoom‘s web portal and access your account dashboard

  2. Click on Settings in the left sidebar

  3. Under the In Meeting (Basic) section, locate the Co-host option

  4. Toggle the setting to enable it. The switch will turn blue:

    Zoom Setting to Enable Co-host

The change is automatically saved—co-host toggling is now ready for your next meeting!

Time to start a session and add a helping hand.

Step 2: Start an Instant or Scheduled Meeting

Your co-host superpowers are now activated across all meetings you initiate as the host.

To start an instant Zoom meeting:

  • Simply log into your Zoom account dashboard
  • Click the orange New Meeting button to generate a fresh conference room!

To start a scheduled meeting:

  • Go to the Meetings tab in your Zoom dashboard
  • Under Upcoming Meetings, click Start beside the relevant meeting

Starting a Scheduled Meeting

Either way, you‘ll now have co-host designation access once participants join your meeting!

Step 3: Have Participants Join Your Meeting

For someone to become a co-host, they must first join your Zoom meeting from their device.

As host, you have a couple options to connect them:

A. Send them the meeting invite/link

  • Copy and share the auto-generated invite or meeting URL by clicking Invite or Copy URL on the Zoom toolbar at the bottom
  • Via email, chat or text, have your desired co-host(s) click the meeting link to join the session before it begins

B. Connect via Zoom Rooms

  • If they are physically in the same conference room, have them join through a Zoom Rooms display connected to your meeting

Once joined, confirm you see them listed as participants before assigning them special privileges.

Step 4: Designate a Participant as Co-Host

This is the fun part—handing off admin superpowers to a co-host!

Identify the participant you wish to upgrade in the Manage Participants tab on the bottom toolbar.

  1. Hover over their name, and click the More button

  2. Select Make Co-Host from the dropdown menu

    Make Participant a Co-Host

  3. Confirm the prompt to assign privileges

And just like that—your participant is now a meeting co-host with abilities to manage attendees, start/stop recording, annotate screens, and more!

Step 5: Verify Co-Host Status

For visual confirmation, check that your newly-appointed co-host has (co-host) tagged next to their name in participants list.

Verify Co-Host Status

A small crown icon will also appear next to their video feed once enabled.

With great power comes great responsibility! Your co-host can now lend a helpings hand.

Revoking Co-Host Permissions

As the original host, you maintain overall ownership. If needed, assigned privileges can be revoked.

  • Hover over the co-host’s name in Participants list
  • Select Revoke Co-Host from the menu
  • Confirm the prompt to demote them back to attendee status

Recap and Key Takeaways

Let‘s do a quick high-level recap of what we covered:

  • Zoom co-hosts help optimize larger meetings by sharing admin rights
  • Upgrade to a paid Zoom plan, with the Pro plan providing basic co-host access
  • Turn on co-host setting in account dashboard Settings
  • Start an instant or scheduled meeting
  • Have your co-host join the meeting
  • Hover over participant name > Make Co-Host
  • Verify "(co-host)" appears next to their name

Leaning on co-hosts allows you as host to focus on content delivery rather than mechanics during the session.

Now that you‘re a pro at configuring Zoom‘s co-host capabilities, may your next webinar, workshop or virtual event be a resounding success with engaged participants!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can Zoom co-hosts also share screens and annotate?

A: Absolutely! Your designated co-hosts have access to the same in-meeting controls, including screen share, annotate, manage participants, and more. Think of them as an extension of yourself as host.

Q: How many co-hosts can I appoint per meeting?

A: Technically Zoom does not enforce hard limits. But as best practice, appoint 1-2 trusted co-hosts maximum to prevent confusing attendees on who‘s running the show!

Q: Can mobile users become Zoom co-hosts too?

A: Yes! Zoom‘s iOS and Android apps fully support making mobile participants into meeting co-hosts. The steps are the same as outlined above.

Final Thoughts

Adding Zoom meeting co-hosts provides an extra set of helping hands when hosting large-scale events. As the popularity of hybrid workforces, workshops, and webinars increases, so too does the need for shared management.

We covered everything you need to get co-hosts configured in your Zoom account and conquer your next meeting!

Now you can put your feet up, relay the Zoom details to a co-host, and deliver content while they handle the digital dirty work in the background.

Here‘s to frictionless video conferencing and engaging experiences for all involved!

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