How to Make Clay in Little Alchemy 2: Combinations to Know

Making Clay in Little Alchemy 2: The Complete Expert Guide for You

So you‘re hooked on Little Alchemy 2. Welcome, friend! Over 500 million others have downloaded this quirky free puzzle game since it first appeared back in 2017.

And it‘s easy to see why it continues to be so popular years later. Mixing and matching over 700 "elements" to see what you can create is extremely satisfying. Especially when you unlock more complex elements that then enable even more intriguing combinations!

Now as a seasoned Little Alchemist, you know some elements are more important than others. Enter clay – one of the essential base elements for crafting key items like brick, pottery and even mankind itself!

So let me walk you through the easiest way to add clay to your elemental collection…

An Introduction to Little Alchemy 2 for New Alchemists
First, let‘s backup for any brand new Little Alchemists reading! The premise of Little Alchemy 2 is simple:

You start with the 4 basic elements of air, water, fire, and earth. You then drag and drop elements on top of one another to form new ones. For example, combine fire and water to get steam. Or water and earth to get mud.

There are over 700 elements in total, spanning nature, technology, abstract concepts and more. Unlocking clay early on is key as it serves as an important base for creating other essentials.

Now let‘s look at the quickest way to get clay in your hands…

The Fastest Route to Clay
After extensive research mixing elements (hard life, I know), I‘ve concluded the most efficient way to craft clay is this 4 step method:

Step 1: Make Mud
Mix water + earth to get mud. Simple!

Step 2: Add Pressure
Create pressure by combining air + air. Strange but just stay with me!

Step 3: Hard as Stone
Take that pressure and mix with earth again to unlock stone.

Step 4: Mud + Stone = Clay!
Finally, combine mud and stone to birth clay as a new element!

Here‘s a quick at-a-glance view of the steps:

[Simple infographic of 4 steps]

Easy enough right? Those 4 steps will have you unlocking clay faster than you can say ‘elemental combination‘…which admittedly may be fast depending on your typing skills.

"But wait!" I hear you say, "Aren‘t there other ways to make clay?"

Excellent question my studious alchemist friend! Yes indeed, a few alternative clay methods do exist:

  1. Mud + Sand = Clay
  2. Mineral + Sand = Clay
  3. Mineral + Rock = Clay
  4. Liquid + Rock = Clay

My recommendation is still to follow the main 4 step approach first. But if you already have certain elements available, no harm mixing up the methods! Variety is the spice of alchemy after all.

Now let‘s look at why clay is so valuable by investigating what you can create with it…

Crafting Clay Combinations
Freshly spawned clay is of course fun to play with. But even better is using it to unlock other items!

Here are some of the best creations clay allows:

Clay + Fire = Brick (for building)
Clay + Story = Golem (your new protector buddy)
Clay + Human = Potter (now you can stockpile vases!)
Clay + Wheel = Pottery (everyone‘s favorite craft)

So in summary, clay lets you craft bricks, pottery, your new golem pal Gomez, and even create your first human acquaintance!

As you can see, clay is essential people…ESSENTIAL I tell you! So be sure try out all clay combinations once created to progress your elemental mastery.

Why Clay Matters Both In-Game and Reality
Hopefully you now appreciate clay‘s vital importance. And it‘s not just in Little Alchemy 2 – clay has played a pivotal role across human history and culture.

Its durable nature and moldability means clay has been used to fashion essentials like cooking pots, water jugs, and sculpture art for over 29,000 years!

So in many ways, Little Alchemy 2 simulates real history by having you craft key clay items like bricks and pottery. Understanding clay means understanding civilization itself!

Ok, enough philosophical chatter for now. Let‘s wrap up with some key takeaways…

Wrapping Up Your Clay Journey
We‘ve covered a lot my friend! Here are the key things to remember about clay:

  • Follow the 4 step water, air, earth combo
  • Alternate with sand and mineral methods
  • Craft bricks, golems, pottery and humans(!)
  • Appreciate clay‘s real world historical importance

So get mixing and unlocking already! Clay won‘t create itself (unless you somehow build a clay golem to do it for you).

Drop a comment below on any other key uses for clay you discover on your alchemical adventures!

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