Crafting the Ultimate Element: A Little Alchemy 2 Guide to Building Tools

Hey there! Welcome to the magical world of Little Alchemy 2. As a seasoned player with over 500 elements under my belt, I‘m thrilled you want to learn more about this surprise viral hit of a game. If you find yourself struggling to unlock new mixes, I‘m here to help guide your alchemy journey.

Harnessing the Power of Tools

Let me start by explaining why the "tool" element offers such an exciting milestone…

With over 700 items to uncover, at first you might feel overwhelmed figuring out what combines with what. That‘s where tools provide a lifeline—they give you the power to build by merging with 50+ other elements.

From conjuring up axes, computers, butter and beyond, tools act as the foundation for crafting everyday items and magical artifacts alike. The developers at Recloak recognize this, having labeled it an "important" component tied to progress.

Simply put, unlocking tools transports you from aimless tinkering to actively creating an environment. There‘s no quicker way to open up new avenues of discovery.

Quick-fire Methods to Obtain Tools

Now that I‘ve convinced you of how indispensable tools can be for sparking new reactions, let‘s get to mixing!

The simplest route requires just 12 steps:

  1. Blend earth + water to get mud
  2. Mix air + air to yield pressure
  3. Combine pressure + earth for stone
  4. Mix stone + mud to get clay
  5. Blend water + water to create puddle
  6. Combine puddle + puddle to yield pond
  7. Mix pond + pond to get lake
  8. Blend lake + lake to create sea
  9. Combine earth + sea to get primordial soup
  10. Mix primordial soup + time to create life
  11. Blend life + clay to get human
  12. Finally, mix human + stone for the tool element!

Once you‘ve sparked the initial human + stone reaction as I‘ve laid out, a toolbox icon will confirm tools are ready for crafting exciting new entries. Easy as that!

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Step-by-step video guide for crafting tools

Of course, not all players have accessed time yet to generate life on Step 10. If you haven‘t unlocked time, try this modified sequence instead:

  1. Follow Steps 1-9 above
  2. Blend fire + fire to create energy
  3. Mix primordial soup + energy to make life
  4. Resume with Steps 11-12

See how with a minor substitution, you can still easily concoct tools to enhance your efforts!

Alternative Tool-Making Techniques

While human + stone offers the quickest route to tool production, don‘t forget you have alternatives if your current element library dictates:

  • human + metal
  • human + wood
  • human + rock
  • wood + steel
  • wood + rock
  • wood + metal
  • wood + stone

Check your encyclopedia for ingredients you already have on hand. I recommend trying to unlock all seven combinations eventually for completionist sake if nothing else!

Unlocking New Discoveries with Tools

Now for the best part: putting those tools to work in generating remarkable new elements.

While Little Alchemy 2 contains over 720 entries, you‘d be surprised how many key ones depend upon tools. See the chart below for just a sample of what you can produce once tools are available:

Combine WithYields
rainbow + rainbowpaint
doctor + hospital + soundstethoscope
tree + forestwood

With over 50 options opening up, this only scratches the surface of tool-based combinations!

I don‘t know about you, but I think it‘s simply magical how ordinary objects like trees or clay get transformed alchemically into wood or pottery with the introduction of tools. It demonstrates how tools lend us the power to mold basic materials into more refined substances.

Get ready for an exponentially expanding world once you unlock this integral element. Your personal dictionary will grow faster than ever, I promise!

Infographic of elements made with tools
A tiny preview of elements unlocked with tools

FAQs on Obtaining Tools

Let‘s wrap up by addressing some common queries around crafting this invaluable element:

Do I need internet to play Little Alchemy 2?
Nope! The game runs seamlessly offline once downloaded, so no worries about connectivity issues hampering fun.

How much content is there?
Starting from only 4 base elements, you can eventually blend over 700 across the core game and optional DLC.

What‘s the easiest way to make tools?
Without question, combining human + stone in 12 steps makes for the fastest tool generation method.

What cool items can tools build?
From axes, butter, and wood to computers, umbrellas, and over 50 more, tools unlock many staple items!


I hope breaking down the essential tool element gives you insight into powering new discoveries! By walking through multi-step techniques to blend human and stone, you‘ll gain access to over 50 combinations for quintessential items.

Remember, tool grants the gift to actively build rather than just idly mix elements. With the fundamentals now covered, flip open your encyclopedia and start crafting axes, machines, and even electric wizard wands! Your alchemy future looks brighter than ever.

For more Little Alchemy 2 tips and guides from a devoted 800-hour player, don‘t hesitate to subscribe. Thanks for reading – now go make some magic!

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