Securing Your TikTok Account in 5 Easy Steps

Hey there! I couldn‘t help but notice you using TikTok lately. As your friend, I wanted to quickly share how to update some important security settings. I know – boring stuff. But hear me out!

With over a billion users these days, TikTok has unfortunately attracted some shady activity around hacking accounts and violating privacy. I want to make sure your profile stays safe so you can enjoy all the awesome videos!

By spending just a few minutes in the app‘s settings, we can enable things like two-factor authentication, stronger password requirements, restricted visibility, and filters for abusive content.

I‘ll walk through each recommended safety precaution step-by-step. Protecting your account now prevents major headaches down the road!

Understanding the Risks

First, let‘s briefly cover why fine-tuning security and privacy settings matters in the first place. A few stats:

  • 35% of TikTok users have experienced some form of account hijacking, where a hacker gains access to post or delete videos on their behalf.
  • Roughly 1 in 4 users have encountered privacy violations, like personal data exposures or videos shared without consent.
  • Over 50 million TikTok accounts were digitally broken into and accessed without authorization in 2022 alone.

Yikes! As TikTok exploded from niche app to global sensation over the past several years, dodging adequate safety practices became rampant.

Heightened visibility attracts hackers looking to profit from taking over popular accounts. It also tempts bullies and harassers thanks to weaker default privacy controls.

So although uncommon, the risks are definitely real. Let‘s fix that!

Step 1: Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Think of two-factor authentication as a security double-check for accessing your account. When logging in, TikTok will require:

  1. Your password (something you know)
  2. A special code from your phone (something you have)

So even if a hacker manages to learn your password, they still can‘t pass the 2FA code check without physically possessing your mobile device too.

To switch on 2FA:

  1. Open settings and choose Security
  2. Select Two-factor authentication
  3. Pick either SMS text verification or an Auth app like Google Authenticator
  4. Input the code sent to complete setup

Be sure to also record the backup verification codes TikTok provides in case you ever lose phone access. Store them in a safe place like a password manager.

Research indicates over 90% of targeted hijacking attempts get thwarted when the victim has properly configured 2FA enabled. It‘s by far the most impactful step on this list!

Step 2: Use a Strong Password

Naturally a password acts as the first line of defense restricting unauthorized account access. Although 2FA adds that second verification layer, having a weak or compromised password undermines everything.

Weakmytiktok123Easily guessed from personal info
ModerateTiktok@2022Somewhat unpredictable
Strong@)3dT1k70k?acLong, fully random

Tools like TikTok Password Generator create secure passwords automatically. I‘d also suggest enabling fingerprint or face unlock as an option for quick logins from your own device.

Over 15% of compromised TikTok accounts get accessed initially through an incorrectly reused or guessed login password. Protect yours and keep it secret!

Step 3: Revoke Connected Apps

Hop over to the Connected apps menu from Security settings next. This lists all third-party services that you‘ve granted profile and account access permissions to:

Connected Apps Menu

I highly recommend reviewing and removing any unfamiliar or sketchy looking apps here. Unfortunately data scraping and selling access to popular accounts is extremely lucrative for shady developers.

Stick only to officially vetted, recognizable tools you know and trust. For example I use reputable apps to easily manage multiple TikTok accounts. But random profile enhancers or followers boosters? Red flag for sure!

Step 4: Control Your Visibility

TikTok thankfully offers stellar controls around what account details get shared publicly versus only with your approved followers.

Under Privacy settings, you can toggle visibility for:

  • Profile info
  • Liked videos
  • Video watching history
  • Friends/followers lists
  • Suggesting your account to others

I‘d go through and double check that anything private remains follower-only access. Remember those stats about frequent privacy violations earlier? This menu is super important for staying anonymous and secure!

Step 5: Limit Abusive Comments

Finally, restricting unwanted attention and harassment takes just a few taps as well.

From the Interactions menu, flip filters on to automatically hide:

  • Comments with certain keywords or phrases
  • Messages from non-followers
  • Repeat comment spamming

Cleaning up your interactions keeps things positive and enjoyable. I block curse words and mute strangers by default. You can always peek at what gets removed and undo if anything looks legitimate.

And there you have it – an easy security checklist to keep your TikTok presence safe from hackers and creeps!

The app overall does a decent job reacting to emerging threats and concerns. But staying vigilant around password practices, app connections, visibility,filters and 2FA gives you ultimate peace of mind.

Let me know if any other TikTok questions pop up!

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