How to Build a LEGO Tank: A Comprehensive Guide

Tanks have played a pivotal role in land warfare over the past century. These heavily armored military vehicles are equipped with powerful cannons and machine guns. They can traverse rugged terrain while protecting soldiers inside.

Bringing tanks to life in LEGO form allows military enthusiasts and collectors to celebrate iconic models in miniature. With some creativity and the right pieces, you can build a customized LEGO tank from the ground up.

The Anatomy of a LEGO Tank

While LEGO tanks come in all shapes and sizes, most share common elements that form the foundation of the build:

Chassis: The body of the tank. This base provides structural integrity.

Wheels: Tank treads enable mobility over rough ground. LEGO tires with treads emulate their real-world counterparts.

Turret: The rotating upper structure housing the tank‘s main cannon.

Decorative Details: Accessories like antennas and storage boxes bring personality.

Step-by-Step: Constructing a LEGO Tank

Now that we‘ve covered the key pieces of a tank build, let‘s walk through an example tutorial piece-by-piece:

Supplies Needed

First, gather the LEGO parts needed. Here‘s what you‘ll need for a simple but mighty tank build:

  • 2x 4×2 bricks (dark green)
  • 6x 1×4 slopes (dark green)
  • 1x 2×4 slope (dark green)
  • 6x 2×2 round bricks (mix of light and dark green)
  • 2x 2×3 bricks
  • 4x 24×8 tires with treads (dark green and black)
    …plus additionalSlope, plate, wheel and accessory pieces

Refer to the information section above for a full parts list. Organize pieces by type before starting.

Build the Body

Start by constructing the armored chassis from bricks and slopes. This forms the foundation of the tank upon which all other sections are assembled.

Use the round bricks spaced evenly to create the subtle curvature of the tank body, leaving room for the turret and wheels.

Photo of partially completed green LEGO tank chassis

A sturdy chassis ready for wheels and turret

Add the Wheels

Attach plates with wheel holders to bottom front and rear. Then insert assemblies into the tread wheels. Test rolling the tank at this stage to ensure proper clearance.

Photo of small green LEGO tank with black wheels

Wheeled chassis test drive

Build and Attach the Turret

Construct a cylindrical turret from additional slope, plate and bracket pieces. Install a rotating turntable so the turret can turn.

Attach the turret to top plates centered on the main body. Be sure it rotates smoothly without hitting other sections.

Photo of completed small green and tan LEGO tank

The finished LEGO tank build

Customizing Your Creation

The beauty of LEGO is that each build can be customized to the creator‘s preferences. Here are some ideas for putting your own tactical spin on a LEGO tank:

Alternate Color Schemes: Sub in sand green, military green or gray pieces for realistic military colors.

Add Decals and Accessories: Apply custom decals with the tank‘s designation number. Accessorize with spare wheels, gas cans or storage cases using small LEGO pieces to enhance realism.

Modify Dimensions: Experiment with longer chassis for a more imposing tank, or larger treads to handle rough terrain.

Inspiration From History: Look to real-world tanks like the Shermann, Panther or T-34 for influence. Study photos to recreate distinctive silhouettes, hatches and cannons.

Finding the Right LEGO Pieces

The LEGO Classic Creative Box contains all the basic bricks and accessories perfect for bringing a tank design to life. LEGO also offers more specialized parts to take builds to the next level:

LEGO City: Includes modern vehicle wheels, accessories like safety cones, barriers and crates for military bases.

LEGO Technic: Provides gears, treads and mechanical parts to create functional tank components.

Not finding what you need? Order individual pieces directly from LEGO Pick A Brick or BrickLink.

Constructing a Rotating Turret

A key trait of tanks is having a traversing turret to aim the main cannon. While LEGO ammunition is thankfully harmless, you can still achieve turret functionality.

The video tutorial demonstrates one method using a turntable base. LEGO Technic components open up even more possibilities:

Turntables: Allow full 360 degree rotation along a central stud.

Gears: Meshed gear assemblies transfer rotational force to spin the turret.

Axles: Pass through multiple layers to enable turntable motion.

By combining pieces that spin, rotate and turn, you can fashion a turret with the same dynamic traits as real tanks!

Frequently Asked Questions

What‘s the best LEGO set for building tanks?

While no set is exclusively for tanks, the LEGO Classic Creative Box provides an ideal assortment of basic bricks. LEGO City sets also include great accessory pieces.

Where can I find instructions to build a LEGO tank?

There are many tank build tutorials on YouTube you can reference. LEGO fan sites like The Brothers Brick also provide building instructions. Or invent your own design!

How do I make tank treads that really move?

Incorporate LEGO Technic pieces like gears and treads. Position gears perpendicular to intersect, then attach tank wheels to mesh with the moving gears. The result is rolling treads just like real tanks.

Can I build a remote control LEGO tank?

Definitely! Install a LEGO Power Functions motor set to operate mechanics remotely. Control the turret rotation and even have a motorized drivetrain to steer the tank via remote.

Start Your Mission

Now that you‘re equipped with expert tips Lego bricks, start constructing your custom tank today. Whether closely replicating historical models or inventing a novel design, embrace the spirit of creative play.

Interior details, articulating hatches and spinning turret action take tanks to the next level. So gear up for your next LEGO mission – and roll out!

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