Frog Facts

Frogs are everywhere in the world except Antarctica. The fascinating history of frogs extends far into their biology, eating habits, and even how they survive.

In general, there are  6,600 frog species. The astounding variety of frogs stretches back over 300 million years to the time of dinosaurs. Moreover, the variety of frogs grows constantly as we discover and learn more about these amphibians. Learn more about frogs below!

Frogs have been roaming the world for a long time

frogs history

The long history of frogs may surprise many greatly. Overall, frog longevity is a thing that is not discussed. In terms of research, there are claims and research that frogs have been wandering the world for a long time.

There is evidence that frogs have been active and present on earth for more than 300 million years. It has been discussed and theorized that the skeletal remains of one of the very earliest animal forms was a frog. Therefore, frogs have been active as long as the dinosaurs.

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Frogs existed during the time of Dinosaurs and have ancient origins


There are a lot of claims and research showing how much frogs were present active during dinosaur times. For example, the Ichthyostega, which is seen as a prehistoric predecessor, was active even for a longer period of time in the past.

There is evidence that the primitive or original frog breed, Ichthyostega, lived 370 million years ago.  In terms of scientific research, there have been claims about when the first “four-legged fish,” actually existed.

Around 90% of frogs in existence  today have evolved from up to three frog lineages. These lineages survived the dramatic and cataclysmic event, which happened between the Cretaceous and Paleogene periods.

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New Frog breeds are being discovered every year

New Frog breeds

Many would not realize that frogs are still being discovered in many parts of the year. But, the varieties being added to the frog breeds is astounding.

For example, just recently and for the last 15 years or so, scientific researchers have been discovering a lot of different species of frogs. In fact, there have been as many as eight and ten new species of frogs being discovered just across India alone.

At the moment, the amount of amphibians, the frog breed and type, is massive. In fact, frogs number around  7,000 types in categorization. Furthermore, there are around 3,000 more frog breeds than had existed just 25 years ago previously.

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Frogs can jump and leap much farther than any other animal in the world

Frogs can jump and leap

Locomotion and leaping abilities are unique indeed in animals. Frogs are able to jump far and utilize their long legs. For example, a frog is able to jump more than or as much 20 to 45 times in length than their own body.

Looking at some fun frog facts, the frog is able to jump over 130 inches in one leap. This is amazing considering a normal frog is about 3 inches long.  In comparison, a human who is 5 feet tall would need to jump or launch itself 220 feet in one jump.

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The reason why Frogs have to jump is for defense and survival

Frogs jump for defense

Frogs jump and leap far for a reason. The biggest reasons are indeed to leap as fast as possible.  For a frog to survive in the wild and in nature it needs to escape predators by jumping fast and long distances. And for food, many frogs consume and survive on insects such as flies, moths, and worms. Frogs utilize their jump to catch their dinner and more.

Frogs have to battle a number of dangerous enemies, but their defenses are not much at all. Instead of leaping away quickly, some frogs for the most effective defense will remain hidden. There is a Costa Rican flying tree frog that can jump from branch to branch in the forest.

As well, the frog can use other ways to avoid danger by using poison glands in their skin for defense. But, more often than not, the poisonous toxins don’t work so jumping fast and far is vital.

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Some Frogs are so adaptive they can survive extreme climates

Frogs can survive extreme climates

A frog can survive a fairly extreme environment like a desert in a variety of ways. For example, a frog can change its temperature to adjust to its surroundings quite easily. The harsh environments around the world are challenging for most animals except frogs.

Since a frog is an amphibian then adaptability is key. Frogs’ ability to change their body temperatures change with the climates of their surroundings means survival in some out of the places of the world.

There are types of frogs that are able to thrive in Arctic and harsh cold conditions. For example, the wood frog can survive north of the Arctic Circle! This is extreme indeed. This frog can manage for  many weeks with around 65 percent of its body frozen overall.

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Some Frogs use their body and blood like engines or machines

Wood frogs

The anatomy and physiology of the frog is amazing. It is true that frogs can utilize glucose in their blood as a kind of antifreeze like you would see in an engine. Moreover, they are able to transform and use their body and blood in ways that will fascinate most anyone in the world.

When the frog uses glucose in the blood, like antifreeze, it is working from its vital organs. Furthermore, the frog is able to protect itself from damage while the rest of the body if it were to freeze solid.

These Wood frogs have evolved to naturally possess biological antifreeze that protects their own cells from freezing. Overall, this type of increased protection works like a car.

Also, some frogs go into idle or sleep mode. For example, a certain frog will go underground in mud or dirt and hibernate. The intense hibernation of the frog is so intense that the frog barely breathes until the springtime.

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Frogs eat and drink in a special way that is unique to all other animals

Frogs eat and drink

Unlike most other animals, a frog is at once highly exclusive in the way it drinks or eats or is open to anything. So, in general, frogs are described as being real and open predators that do anything they can eat or catch. So, frogs will eat anything! As much as a frog may eat spiders, grasshoppers, and more it is also quite extraordinary in other ways.

For example, a frog is quite exclusive in the animal kingdom when it comes to drinking. All in all, Frogs do not drink in the way other animals or humans do.

Essentially, frogs absorb water directly through their skin. This process is very rare because water goes through an area, which is called the ‘drinking patch’ on the frog. For the frog, this drinking patch is on their belly and the underside of the frog thighs.

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The Frog population is getting smaller and the global effects could be damaging

Frog population

In general, the frog animal group or global amphibian populations are decreasing. This dramatic decline is caused by climate change, habitat destruction, human population growth, pollution, and many factors.

Sadly, there is also a fatal fungal disease, which is named chytridiomycosis that wears away and damages frog flesh. These challenging stresses on frogs and amphibians in general are catastrophic.

The effects of frogs dying completely or being nearly extinct would mean a lot to the earth.  Frogs going extinct would affect an important food source. Moreover,  frogs are an important part of the food chain. Statistically, the number of animals in nature that eat the frogs will become extinct as well. Therefore, many animals that feed on frogs will starve, and their populations will be devastated as well thus causing a food crisis for everyone in the world. This frog die off will even affect humans.

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Toads are frogs as well despite the different word and confusion


Many may not realize how much frogs and toads are one and the same. The variety is astounding considering how many different types of amphibians and frogs there are overall.

In terms of the word toad as it is used, this is to describe a frog’s skin. A toad is most often used to describe a frog that has warty and dry skin. Moreover, a toad describes a frog that has shorter hind legs.

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Frogs can change colors and be multi-colored much more than most animals

multi-colored Frogs

The ability to change colors is unique, but for a frog this is more common. There is a type of  frog, which is known as a lemur that can change color.

For example, some frogs when it gets dark change colors but then become different colors when a frog is active. When a particular frog is sleeping it may be that the upper part of their body turns brown.

Moreover, the frogs change with the environment or mood like chameleons. Specifically, in general, some frogs while resting can even become green to hide or blend with the vegetation and environment they rest.

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