Demystifying Database Keys: A Guide to Candidate vs Primary Keys

As an aspiring data analyst or database admin, few concepts are more fundamental than understanding database table keys. Specifically, the role of candidate keys vs primary keys when structuring relational databases. But what exactly is the difference, and when should each key be utilized?

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll unpack the distinction through simple explanations, handy visuals, and easy-to-remember comparisons. Read on as we demystify these critical pillars of database configuration. Whether you‘re new to data or a seasoned DB admin, let‘s achieve clarity together!

Database Keys: A Crucial Primer

Before diving deeper, let‘s briefly introduce these database elements:

Keys are fields or combinations of fields that uniquely identify each record in a table. They index values so records can be efficiently located, sorted, and filtered. Much like an index at the back of a book!

Candidate Keys – One or more possible field options that could uniquely ID each row alone.

Primary Keys – The single, definitive key that‘s actually selected to identify rows.

Think candidate keys are potentials and the primary key is the winner that‘s chosen.

With that basic orientation covered, let‘s unpack candidate and primary keys more clearly…

Defining Candidate Keys

Candidate keys are the preliminary unique identifiers that later compete for selection as the one primary key. What exactly makes a key a candidate?

Candidate keys have two key (no pun intended!) requirements:

1. Uniqueness – The value or combination of values distinguishes each record

2. Minimality – It uses the smallest number of fields needed to achieve uniqueness

For example, an Email field may contain unique addresses to differentiate customers. So Email satisfies uniqueness and is minimal as a single attribute. Qualifies as a candidate key!

However, FirstName alone does NOT uniquely identify customers. But add LastName, and now the combination is unique. So {FirstName, LastName} meets both conditions as a composite candidate key.

Types of Candidate Keys

Candidate keys come in a few flavors:

Simple – Just one column. Ex: Email

Composite – Multiple columns. Ex: FirstName + LastName

Composite keys introduce complexity with multiple lookups required. So generally lean towards single-column candidate keys first if they meet the criteria.

When considering candidate options, evaluate fields on criteria like:

✅ Stability – Values shouldn‘t change

✅ Familiarity – Use common identifiers

✅ Static over Dynamic – Avoid fields updated frequently

Now let‘s move onto what happens once you‘ve picked the primary key…

Defining Primary Keys

Once candidate keys are decided, the next step is reviewing those options and selecting one winner to serve as primary key.

This primary key winner will be the authoritative unique ID for that table across system.

What makes a good primary key?

✅ Uniqueness – Each value ID‘s one and only one record

✅ Irreducibility – Single column keys preferred

✅ Static over Dynamic – Values shouldn‘t change

Based on the criteria above, ID or Auto-Number fields often make ideal primary keys:

Primary key example

The CustomerID field satisfies all requirements:

✅ Unique values for each customer

✅ Single column (irreducible)

✅ Static values that don‘t change

In addition to the criteria above, the primary key serves additional purposes:

  • Defines table relationships
  • Maintains referential integrity
  • Boosts query performance

Let‘s analyze those primary key superpowers next!

Primary Key Superpowers

Setting that authoritative primary key establishes order across your database. Enabling you to:

Define Table Relations

Clarifying connections across tables.

You relate tables by adding the primary key field from table A into table B as a foreign key. Now rows connect!

Ex: Customers table primary key => Orders table foreign key

Table Relationship Diagram

Enforce Referential Integrity

Keeping data consistent when values update.

When primary key values update, the change cascades to related foreign keys. So no orphaned data!

Integrity stays intact across the database.

Optimize Performance

Boosting speed for common queries

Queries fetching/filtering on the primary key are very fast thanks to indexed access.

It‘s optimized for lookup speed.

So properly defining primary keys cuts out nonsense and cements structure across interconnected tables!

Comparing Candidate vs Primary Keys

Now that we‘ve defined both key types more clearly, let‘s compare them side-by-side:

Candidate KeysPrimary Keys
CardinalityMultiple per tableOne per table
Nulls allowed?YesNo
MutabilityValues can changeValues should be static
PurposePresent optionsMake final selection

In summary:

  • Candidate keyNominates options
  • Primary keyDesignated solution

Key Takeaways

As we reviewed in this guide:

💡 Candidate keys are options that could uniquely ID rows

💡 Primary key is the chosen candidate key

💡 Primary key enrichment features improve relationships, consistency, and speed

💡 Good primary key fields are irreducible, static values like ID

So when modeling your next database, identify multiple candidate key contenders based on uniqueness and minimality.

Then narrow the options to designate a single unambiguous primary key. Set up foreign keys across tables to connect datasets relationally.

Rinse and repeat for clean interconnectivity!

With these key concepts now clarified, you have the foundation to start structuring reliable databases.

We covered a lot of ground here today. Let‘s wrap up with some common FAQs about these fundamental database pillars:


What are some examples of good candidate keys?

Good candidate keys have uniqueness and minimality. Some examples: Email, Phone Number, First Name + Last Name, Student ID + School ID, etc.

What are candidate keys used for?

Candidate keys are used to uniquely identify rows before selection of the primary key. They help enforce uniqueness constraints and can assist with indexing for performance.

Can I have two primary keys?

No, there can only be one primary key per table. The primary key is the single authoritative unique identifier for that table.

What does a primary key do?

The primary key uniquely identifies rows in the core table, establishes relationships to other tables, improves referential integrity, and enhances performance.

Why are foreign keys important?

Foreign keys create connections between dataset by referencing primary keys. This maintains consistency and relationships between tables.

And there you have it – candidate and primary keys demystified! We covered a ton of core concepts critical for any aspiring data whiz.

You now have the key knowledge (pun totally intended this time 😉) to start building sound relational databases. As you move forward creating your own DB masterpieces, let these lessons guide you towards clean, consistent data sets.

Happy data modeling!

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