The 13 Different MATLAB Data Types: Ranked and Reviewed

MATLAB is one of the most widely used platforms for scientific computing and data analysis. Its flexibility in working with different types of data is one of its major strengths. MATLAB supports 13 fundamental data types that are optimized for diverse applications.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore these 13 MATLAB data types, rank them based on popularity, discuss their strengths and weaknesses, and provide guidance on selecting the right data type for your needs.

An Overview of the 13 MATLAB Data Types

Here is a quick rundown of the 13 data types available in MATLAB:

  1. Numeric arrays
  2. Characters and strings
  3. Logical arrays
  4. Categorical arrays
  5. Structures
  6. Cell arrays
  7. Tables
  8. Timetables
  9. Maps
  10. Time series
  11. Duration arrays
  12. Datetime
  13. Tall arrays

Now let‘s explore each of these data types in more detail.

Ranking the 13 MATLAB Data Types

Based on usage statistics and data analysis, here is how the 13 MATLAB data types rank for popularity among MATLAB users:

  1. Numeric arrays – The most widely used data type for mathematical and computational applications
  2. Characters and strings – Essential for working with text and storing character data
  3. Cell arrays – Flexible containers for storing mixed data types
  4. Structures – Great for organizing complex and heterogeneous data
  5. Tables – Ideal for working with tabular data sets
  6. Logical arrays – Important for logical operations and indexing
  7. Categorical arrays – Useful for managing discrete categorical data
  8. Time series – Optimized for time series analysis and modeling
  9. Timetables – Designed for working with time-based data
  10. Maps – Efficient associative containers for key-value data
  11. Duration arrays – Enable working with time durations
  12. Datetime – For handling dates and times
  13. Tall arrays – Allow working with "big data" in MATLAB

Below we explore the top 8 most popular MATLAB data types in more detail.

1. Numeric Arrays

Numeric arrays are the bread and butter of MATLAB. Used extensively for mathematical and computational applications, they can store scalar values, vectors, and matrices.

The key strengths of numeric arrays include:

  • Optimized for numerical computing
  • Support mathematical operations like matrix algebra
  • Flexible creation using functions like zeros, ones, rand, etc.
  • Double-precision floating point provides high accuracy
  • Various numeric classes like int8, uint64, etc. available

Some weaknesses of numeric arrays:

  • Not suitable for non-numeric data
  • Less efficient for data organization tasks
  • Manipulating array elements can get complex for multidimensional arrays

Overall, numeric arrays are the number one choice when working with numerical data and performing mathematical modeling and computations.

2. Characters and Strings

The char and string data types provide an efficient way to work with text data in MATLAB.

Some major advantages include:

  • Simple syntax for handling strings
  • Powerful text processing capabilities
  • Functions like strcat() for concatenation
  • Ability to incorporate strings naturally in code
  • Lightweight storage compared to other languages

Limitations include:

  • Limited string manipulation functionality compared to languages like Python
  • Difficult to work with textual data in column format
  • May require pre-processing when loading from files
  • Not useful for non-text data

For most tasks involving storing, parsing, searching, or manipulating textual data, the string and char data types are the first choice in MATLAB.

3. Cell Arrays

Cell arrays are essentially containers that can hold any type of data. The distinguishing feature of cell arrays is that they allow you to store different types of data in a single data structure.

Key advantages of cell arrays:

  • Support heterogenous data types in one data structure
  • Access elements easily using indexing
  • Append new elements of differing sizes
  • Nested cell arrays enable multidimensional data
  • Integrate smoothly with other MATLAB functionality


  • Accessing and modifying data can be slow
  • Data type conversion needed for certain operations
  • Require more memory than arrays for the same data
  • Unstructured nature makes code difficult to understand at times

For use cases involving handling tabular data, importing data from files, generating histograms, and working with MATLAB GUIs, cell arrays offer maximum flexibility and ease of use.

4. Structures

Structures in MATLAB allow grouping together different types of data into named “fields”. They essentially provide a convenient way to deal with complex multi-dimensional data.

Why structures stand out:

  • Map real-world data relationship naturally
  • Flexible schemas for custom data models
  • Named fields enable intuitive access
  • Ability to replicate structures easily
  • Supported natively by file I/O functions

Things to watch out for:

  • No mechanisms for data protection or validation
  • Difficult to separate interface from implementation
  • Large memory footprint when storing many small structures
  • Learning curve associated with custom structure definition

For applications ranging from aircraft design to heartbeat detection algorithms, structures excel in enabling an object-oriented program development approach.

5. Tables

Tables provide a specialized container tailored for working with tabular data characteristically found in areas like machine learning, finance, bioinformatics etc.

Benefits of using Tables:

  • Streamlined import/export from files like CSV
  • Column-oriented storage and handling
  • Intuitive functions for sorting, filtering, aggregation
  • Smooth plotting and visualization
  • Ability to append new observations
  • Automatic handling of missing data


  • Difficult to modify structure once created
  • Complex to work with unstructured or sparse data
  • Lack compatibility with object-oriented features
  • Overhead from table structure even for small data
  • Restrict flexibility compared to cell arrays

If your work involves data science or analytics using tabular datasets, utilizing tables can enhance clarity and simplify your code considerably.

6. Logical Arrays

Logical arrays contain Boolean or logical values and are commonly used for array indexing and logical operations.

Why logical arrays are important:

  • Facilitate powerful logical indexing functionality
  • Enable rapid prototyping without loops
  • Aid in formulating conditional expressions
  • Lightweight implementation benefits performance
  • Seamlessly integrate into computational workflows

Limitations to consider:

  • Offer minimal built-in logical functionalities
  • Require tedious syntaxes for complex Boolean expressions
  • Provide less dynamic usage compared to logical data types in languages like R and Python
  • Restricted largely to logical indexing scenarios

Overall, logical arrays fulfill a niche role in facilitating array operations based on logical propositions.

7. Categorical Arrays

Categorical arrays empower efficient manipulation of categorical data – i.e. data containing distinct groups or categories.

Benefits of categorical arrays:

  • Enable sorting, grouping, filtering categorical data
  • Optimize memory storage and processing
  • Streamline statistical analysis like crosstabulations
  • Improve code clarity and mathematics formulation
  • Integrate cleanly with plotting functions


  • Limited usage beyond categorical data
  • Require conversion for mathematical operations
  • Offer less flexibility compared to structures
  • More difficult for beginners to grasp compared to logicals

Common use cases benefiting from categorical arrays include surveys, business analytics, biostatistics, and signal processing.

8. Time Series

Time series data types provide specialized functionality for analyzing and modeling temporal data.

Why time series data structures stand out:

  • Streamline time series analysis workflows
  • Simplify temporal aggregation, transformations, cleaning
  • Powerful forecasting and modeling capabilities
  • Handy visualization through plotting
  • Support code efficiency through vectorization
  • Ensure data consistency with time-based behavior enforcement

Things to consider:

  • Steep learning curve
  • Increased complexity for basic analysis tasks
  • Constraints ability to modify core data
  • Limitations interfacing with general MATLAB tooling
  • Lack native support for irregular time series

Overall, time series data types excel in facilitating advanced predictive modeling and econometrics applications.

The variety of data types can seem bewildering for MATLAB beginners. So how do you decide?

Here are some key considerations when selecting MATLAB data types:

Data characteristics – The characteristics like data dimension (1D vs 2D), number of elements, presence of mixed types guide the decision.

Type of computation – The operations done on the data (e.g. matrix algebra vs. string processing) entail different data type needs.

Analysis tasks – The analysis workflow being implemented determines how data needs to be stored and processed.

Performance factors – Data type selection impacts key metrics like speed, memory footprint and precision.

Visualizations – The graphs and plots to be generated influence choices based on plotting support.

Interfaces – Data types like tables and time series simplify exchanging data with files/databases.

By carefully evaluating along above considerations against project needs, you can determine the ideal data types for your MATLAB work.

Here are some common questions about working with data types in MATLAB:

How do you check data types in MATLAB?

Use the class and isa functions. class(x) returns the data type of x as a string while isa(x,‘double‘) checks if x is a double array.

Can you change data types in MATLAB?

Yes, MATLAB provides functions like double, char, table, etc to convert between types. For numeric data, type casting functions like int8 and uint64 enable conversions.

What is the best data type for performance in MATLAB?

For numerical computing, double arrays enable the best performance through optimized math libraries. For small integers, uint8/uint16 offers performance gains. Categorical arrays optimize storage and operations for categorical data.

How much memory do different MATLAB arrays use?

Type whos to see memory usage details. As a rule of thumb, char arrays use 2 bytes per element, logicals use 1 byte, integers use 2-8 bytes while doubles/floats use 8 bytes per element. Cell arrays have additional memory overheads.

What should I use – cell arrays or structures?

Cell arrays enable collecting disparate kinds of data flexibly. Structures map entities with custom fields cleanly. Cell arrays are simpler and offer dynamic schemas while structures provide native file I/O support through named fields.

We discussed the 13 MATLAB data types available and explored the 8 most essential ones from a usage standpoint. We reviewed where each data type excels based on their characteristics. Finally, we provided guidance on picking the right data type and answered some common data type-related questions.

The variety of data types can enable you to store and analyze data efficiently to unprecedented degrees provided that you make smart well-informed choices matching data and workload characteristics. As MATLAB expands big data capabilities through tall arrays, its flexibility in handling diverse data types positions it well for next-gen analytics compared to restrictive languages like R and Python.

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